The Montrose Composers' Club have been finding ways to improvise and collaborate during this time of isolation. MCC member Phil Self initiated an improvisation version of the game 'consequences'. If you're not familiar with the game, it involves several people collaborating to form a story or to draw a person. The game is traditionally played by writing the words or drawing the body part on paper and folding the paper to hide it before passing it to the next player, until the story or person is complete.

In MCC's version of consequences, Phil sent an improvisation to Anna Braithwaite, who then improvised in response to Phil's improvisation. Anna then sent her recording to Matt Brown, who sent his to Aidan Shephard, who then sent his improvisation to me. Once all recordings were complete, the videos were sent to Phil who edited and created the MCC Isolation Consequences Improvisation i.
The improvisation was premiered on Thursday 9th April 2020 on Free Range TV, alongside Free Range archive performances by Alabaster dePlume and Paddy Steer. Free Range is an award-winning series of experimental music, film and poetry events in Canterbury, managed by Sam Bailey. During isolation, Sam has started a series of free live online events featuring poets, musicians and artists, every Thursday. He is currently calling for short videos of creativity to be sent to for Free Range TV.
The MCC are currently working on their second Isolation Consequences Improvsation.